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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
April 8, 2008, 6:30 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Wright (via phone), Wilson and Kaley.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:23 p.m.

I.      Public Participation

Representatives of Iroquois Gas were present.  

II.     Minutes

Minutes of March 25, 2008.  Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Commissioner Hovious would like to postpone Minutes of the March 27th special meeting.  

III.    Old Business

1.      Iroquois Pipeline Discussion.

Ruth Parkins, Manager of Public Affairs, distributed copies of a letter dated April 3, 2008 that was addressed to the First Selectman.  Iroquois was granted statutory authorization by the Board of Selectmen contingent upon the Conservation Commission’s review and approval of the plans.  In conjunction with this grant of authority, Iroquois will convey a conservation easement totaling one quarter acre.  Ms. Parkins distributed copies of the legal description of the easement and map, titled, “Suggested Legal Description – Access to Town Open Space”, which will be forwarded to the Town Attorney for review.  Iroquois will still pursue the one acre permanent easement and two acres of temporary work space.  It is hopeful that the charter revision will be passed in April.  

Ms. Parkins stated that Iroquois’ surveyors cannot find the true border for the Aunt Park Lane property, so they concede to accept the Town’s GIS figure of 4.71 acres.  Also, the Tax Assessor has valued the property at $234,000.00.  Mr. Sibley stated that this parcel, as well as the balance of the Hammon property, was previously under the Federal 490 program.

Ms. Parkins distributed plans for fencing and landscaping on the valve sites.  One site will be on Iroquois property (53/2/172).  The second site will be on Stone Bridge Road.  Brian Wolfe stated that the valve compounds will be approximately 25 foot square and enclosed by a six to seven foot fence with barbwire.  Mr. Sibley feels there should be danger signs posted, especially considering current ATV abuse in the area.  Ms. Parkins and Mr. Wolfe discussed options that were discussed with FERC on creating ATV barriers, including the use of blasted rock to create a windrow.

Commissioner Hovious asked for clarification in the language of the transfer of property in the resolution.  He also suggested that Iroquois donate the Aunt Park Lane property as a charitable donation to the Forest Association and then provide funds that the commission could use specifically for conservation purposes.  Mr. Sibley explained to Ms. Parkins that the commission is struggling with this because it is their job to protect open space and that they are not only being asked to grant temporary work space and a permanent easement, but also to waive or amend the language that is currently on the property.

Commissioner Ferguson provided an overview of discussions by stating that Iroquois is seeking temporary work space and that they would like to move forward to transfer the permanent easement in consideration for three things:  (1) the marking of the open space on the Grady property; (2) access off of Kale Davis; and (3) the transfer of five acres of property.

Commissioner Hovious stated that the flags on the site are unclear and that they were concerned over the amount of trees slated to be removed.  Ms. Parkins stated that Iroquois will provide an A2 survey.  Discussions about Iroquois funding some of the open space through grants were also mentioned.

Ms. Parkins will research and provide the Commission with the language on the current easement.  She will update the April 3rd letter and re-address it to the Commission.  The letter will then be reviewed by the Town Attorney.  Iroquois will complete an A2 survey for the site.  

2.      Action on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition.

        Mr. Sibley sent the definition of Open Space to Planning & Zoning, which will be acted upon during the first meeting in May.  Mr. Sibley will attend this meeting.  He will also attend the following meeting to discuss the aquifer amendment.  

3.      Open Space at Commerce Road/Deep Brook Meadows – April 9, 2008 meeting.

Commissioner Hovious stated that there is a meeting tomorrow where the EDC will talk about alternatives to their plans.  The commissioners have received the soils report via e-mail from Liz Stocker.  

4.      Implementation of 2007-2008 Budget.

Surveying:  Mr. Sibley stated that an A2 survey has been submitted for the Taunton Lake property.  In the past, someone recorded a map with the Town Clerk.  Mr. Sibley recorded a map noting that it was owned by the Town.  

In regards to the Fish and Game Club harassing the public for accessing the lake, Mr. Sibley will discuss policing open space at the Police Department’s quarterly meeting.  The open space on the lake is now posted with signs designating it as Town property.  Chief Kehoe, Mr. Sibley and Mr. Benson will send a letter to the Warden of the Fish and Game Club notifying them of the public’s rights.  

CCA is finishing up Poverty Hollow and the Brushy Hill/Deep Brook/Point of Rocks property, marking the entrance across from Dickenson Park and then marking the Purdy Station property.  Out of the $14,000, $8,000 has been used on conservation projects.  Mr. Sibley asked for surveying priorities from the commission.  Approximately $500 will be used purchase marker posts and another $100 or $200 for miscellaneous necessities.  A priority list will be put together.  

Commissioner Hovious noted that there is some surveying/marking to be completed on the Pieragostini property.  Mr. Sibley stated that this could be paid for through the bonding fund and there should be a reimbursement grant for a portion of the Southard property.  

Commissioner Hovious asked about Brook Heights.  Mr. Sibley stated there is an A2 survey completed but that it still needs to be staked.  Commissioner Wright suggested surveying of the property on Pole Bridge.  

Commissioner Ferguson asked if anything has been done on the DeGraff property.  Mr. Sibley said there is an A2 survey map, but the easements should be marked.  

Mr. Sibley discussed two types of projects and funding; the office work (research or drawing), and then field work (staking, etc.)  He is keeping a steady stream of work for CCA to keep prices down.  

Commissioner Hovious suggested the commissioners review the open space map at the next meeting and develop a priority list.

5.      Care and Custody of Open Space.  

        This item was tabled.  But there is a reminder that the commissioners are invited to the Forest Association’s Annual Meeting on May 8th.  It is encouraged that all Commissioners attend.  

6.      Ferris Farm Fence and Trail.   

Commissioner Hovious discussed information that Commissioner Barkman forwarded to the commissioners on the cost of fences.  He asked if Mr. Sibley would pick up the lead in talking with the Ferris’ about their concerns over the fence and boardwalk.  Mr. Sibley said that the State grant has stipulations and requires full accessibility to the public access, but he will call them to get more information over what they actually require.

IV.     New Business

1.      Planning & Zoning Referral for a Three Lot Subdivision on Great Quarter Road. -  Mr. Sibley stated that this property is not subject to open space.  There is no comment from the Conservation Commission.

2.      Mountain Bike Use on Town Open Space.  Commissioner Hovious discussed an e-mail from Commissioner Barkman regarding a request regarding mountain bike trails and activities on Town open space.  Commissioner Barkman was concerned that there have been publications noting Al’s Trail as a mountain bike trail.  Commissioner Kaley noted that that Aspetuck Valley Trail was constructed using the New England Mountain Biking Association trail building method, which she feels are very sound.  The trail designs allow for conservation of environment and the prevention of erosion.  Commissioner Wright shared concerns where in some areas people were not able to walk after the Mountain Bikes ruined the trails.  The Commission will take this case by case.

3.      Field Card Templates for GIS.  Alicia Messier from the Town’s GIS Department has created a field card template for the GIS system where one could use a hand held GIS unit that allows you to fill out a checklist and take pictures of vernal pools.  This is a beginning process for the inventory of vernal pools for the town.  If anyone would like to learn how to use the unit, contact Ms. Messier during the month of April.  Her e-mail address is

Commissioner Hovious motioned to adjourn at 8:19 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion carried unanimously.